Concept of the Centre for Neuroscientific Innovation and Technology

Formation – Goals – Main Focus – Methods

The Centre for Neuroscientific Innovation and Technology (ZENIT) was founded with the aim to use the neuroscientific site Magdeburg for a transfer of its basic knowledge into realizable product development. ZENIT offers a development of radiating impulses going via the university into the economy of Saxony-Anhalt, contributing to an important development of a regional industrial structure on a long term basis. ZENIT was founded together with a municipal holder as an independent institution within the university, renting out research areas to institutions cooperating with the university, commercial research companies as well as university institutions. The interdisciplinary research building provides space and equipment of render outside grants and industry-sponsored research projects. ZENITs medical as well as medical-technical research are aimed at innovation and technology development. The most important neuroscientific topics of ZENIT are neuropharmacology, neuromedical technique and applied neuro-computer-science. Within ZENIT medical-technologically orientated companies (e.g. pharmaceutical industry, medical toolbuilding etc.) will establish work groups which intend to realise concrete and defined research and development projects independently or in cooperation with the medical faculty. ZENIT also laid the foundations for the formation of companies which developed out of the university (start-up companies).

In detail following scientific fields represent the central focus:


Drug-carrier-systems for continuous long-term delivery of drugs

Development of drugs

Development of neuroprotectives


Neuromedical technique


Neuronal computers


Microsystem technique

Internal ear implants and hearing aids

Peripheral neuritic regeneration

EIES expert systems

Development of a radiotherapy unit for charged particles

Picture delivery on the therapy radiancy


Applied neuro-computer-science

Picture delivering technologies

Computer assisted neuropsychology diagnostic and rehabilitation

Medical data and signal processing

Multi-media based query-reply system

Realization based picture analysis with the “Fuzzy-Logic”

Realization based picture analysis with the “Fuzzy-Logic”

Information processing with artificial neural networks

Computer graphics

The goals of ZENIT are on the one hand of scientific on the other hand of economic character. They are meant to create an attractive and strong image of the site Magdeburg.

Summarized following aims of the ZENIT-project can be formulated:

Support of the neuroscientific site Magdeburg

Relief of the shortage of research areas at the medical faculty

Support of applied medical-technical and neuroscientific transfer of knowledge and personnel in Saxony-Anhalt (technology transfer)

Intensification of the cooperation between technical and medical research areas

Promotion of the development of economically realizable products by means of applied research

Creation of an investment friendly research and development environment

Promotion of the start-up and settlement of corresponding companies respectively

Aim of ZENIT in particular is the technology transfer in neuroscience, in fact in both directions: On one hand the neurobiological / neuropsychological knowledge will lead to the development of new products (for example: computer-assisted rehabilitation), on the other hand particularly innovations in the medical-technological subjects which stimulate the theoretical and clinical neurosciences (for example: image-producing technologies).

In order to realize these aims different measures have to be taken. First of all, a productive relationship between researching professors and clinicians has to be ensured to enable the achievement of novel technological developments in the applied neurosciences by improved understanding.

Following measures were undertaken to achieve these aims:

Establishment and stabilization of the scientific basic equipment on a high standard
a) for efficient research projects and
b) for central institutions (see below).

Central fully equipped supply of scientific service facilities within ZENIT such as hutches, efficient computer network and computer science for information analysis, animal behavior laboratory, precision engineering / workshop for electronics, etc.

Establishment of under private law working research corporations (institutions cooperating with the university) with corresponding economic support with the objective of creating maximum flexibility and competitiveness under private law conditions.

Bar centric promotion of topics affiliated to ZENIT from federal state funds as well as the creation of an infrastructure for improved acquisition of third-party funds from outside of the federal state of Saxony-Anhalt.

Concentration on applied neuroscientific research as well as applied medical technological (further) development.

The implementation of scientific aims requires in addition to the scientific requirements appropriate building services engineering and device-related equipment. At the medical faculty exists presently a significant lack on research areas partly also on research supporting service facilities. In order to realize the project aim in connection with the technical faculties, non-university research institutions and the industry comfortable conditions are created in high quality at ZENIT. The inclusion of technical subjects is thereby a sensible addition and establishes a basis for new solutions and product developments.